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Après une séance d'essai, une mise en confiance qui m'a permis de sauter le pas pour me lancer dans l'aventure CrossFit avec Bear Crawl ! J'y ai trouvé de la convivialité et un accompagnement dans mes objectifs (progression physique, perte de poids)

- Alexis, age 33

It's incredible to do CrossFit. Before I was very afraid because I thought I was going to get injured but it's not like that, with a good exercise technique it won't happen and the changes are noticeable in a week 💪🏼

- Nathalia, age 31

How CrossFit changed my life….. je suis en meilleure forme aujourd’hui à 42 ans que quand j’avais 20 ans. J’ai commencé en 2017 doucement et aujourd’hui je m’entraîne 5x semaine… Le CrossFit m’a aidé à me dépasser jour après jour et à renforcé mon mental autant à la box que dans la vie de tous les jours. Et le plus important c’est de faire partie d'une communauté où on a tous la même passion !

- Jonathan, age 42

Crossfit is the ultimate stress killer to me. From workout to workout, I can see and feel how my body adjusts and how I enhance my new skills. I feel stronger, physically and mentally. The classes, the coaches and the community are really great. I can highly recommend it to everyone!

- Sandy, age 36

I was in poor shape, both mentally and physically. Joining CrossFit Bear Crawl was the best decision I've ever made. The coaches give their best every single session to help you get better and drag you out of your comfort zone. The members push each other to get better, faster and stronger, wod after wod. The team spirit is amazing and makes every session even more enjoyable than it already is. Last but not least, the changes you notice one day looking in the mirror are priceless ! Only regret…not making this decision earlier.

- Alex, age 36

As I work in a competitive and high-pressure environment, it is important to constently improve myself. And I think CrossFit helped me a lot regarding self-confidence. I'm capable of handling considerable responsibilities now due to a stronger mental. So I highly recommend people who wish to discover more about themself to join the Box.

- Alexandre, age 28

I started crossfit as a complementary workout to my grappling sports, with the goal of gaining strength and lowering the risk of injuries. But what I got was much more! For me developping new skills is both fun and very rewarding 🤩...and there is (and will always be) a lot to learn and to improve😉. And between weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio it's never boring ! The community and the positive environment to train is also something very important to me and I definitly found both at the box. People are very supportive and there is no judging. Whatever your level of fitness, your strength, your mobility, or maybe injuries, everone can adapt the workout to make it doable and challenging. That' s what great about CrossFit!

- Laurence, age 41

CrossFit has been one of the most important things I have done for myself and I will tell you why! (: After a long day, working out is one of the best ways to release stress. Yes, that exercise ‘high’ does exist, and it is one of the best ways to forget about problems while also doing something that is good for my body. CrossFit lets me overcome the doubt in my head, both in and out of the box. It teaches me a mental strength I never realized I possessed. And everyday after I walk out, barely able to walk and swearing I will never do it again, this same strength brings me back the next day, ready to go.

- Laurent, age 30

After spending nine years doing swim, bike, run and finishing more than enough triathlon races, it was time for a change. Not only my head wanted to do something else, but also my body. I was pretty nervous when I showed up for the first time at the CrossfitBox in Fentange. I expected to get in there and see only shirtless people doing crazy stuff with crazy weights. Fortunately, it was not the case, and I was super excited to become part of that box after the fundamental courses. Nobody should be scared to start doing Crossfit. Everyone gets a super warm welcome from our excellent coaches, who will teach you to become a better version of yourself. All the members are super nice, and it's just awesome to meet new people who like to unleash their power during the WODs. Nobody judges you! Quite the contrary, you get encouraged by everyone, and you feel fantastic every time. It was my best choice in 2022 to join the Bearcrawl family. Mentally or physically, you will benefit from Crossfit. It's the best medicine you can take. So I think it's your turn to change yourself. :)

- Pit, age 30

Crossfit increases strength, which in my own experience, is quickly lost with age, and supports cardiovascular health. Since it is never the same, concentration and thus mental performance are also trained. Crossfit is a strong community that supports not only athletic performance but also solidarity, especially when all ages and athletic fitness levels are welcome. There is a lot of fun at events and competitions. You will love it ;-)

- Chantal, age 58

I did not know CrossFit was and I must say I am extremely happy with my choice. I follow classes that help me to relax from my work and keep in good health

- Luca, age 30

When my daughter Kim took me to my first Crossfit class at Bearcrawl 4 years ago, I never thought I would stick to it. I felt too old to start a new sport, I thought I would never be able to lift weights or learn gymnastics movements. At the time I couldn't even airsquat, I had never held a barbell or a dumbbell in my hands, a 4kg Wallball felt like a ton to me, jumping on a box, climbing a rope or doing a handstand seemed an impossible feat. But I followed my children's advice to at least try the fundamentals class and see how I would feel afterwards. I didn't fall in love with the sport straight away, it took some time, but the progress I could see every day made me stay. Today, I have to admit that Crossfit has changed my life. It has made me healthier and stronger not only physically but also mentally, I have more self-confidence and have learned to get out of my comfort zone. I can definitely say that I am fitter at 56 than I was in my twenties. Working out consistently, pushing my limits and focusing on a healthy diet led to a body transformation that amazes me to this day. Joint, neck, hip, knee pains, hormonal and auto-immune issues I used to have disappeared and were replaced by the positive pain of muscle soreness. What I love about Crossfit is the community, celebrating achievements with fun nights out or a drink at the box, the support you constantly get from the coaches and the other members, the variety of the workouts, the fact that every workout can be adapted to individual needs and capabilities, the daily challenges and the constant progression in endurance, resilience, flexibility, strength and gymnastics abilities. I participated in my first international competitions this year, did three competitions teaming up with my daughter and my son, did my second Open and finished first in Luxembourg and 727th worldwide in my age category. I can now rope climb, do a pull-up, push-up, toes-to-bar, handstand push-up, box jump, snatch, clean, deadlift... I am still struggling with double unders or bar muscle ups, but that's the beauty of it. You can always set yourself new goals to achieve. So if you think that you are too old or not fit enough for Crossfit, remember that that was what I thought as well 4 years ago. But age is just a number and it's definitely never too late to start.

- Liane, age 56

Starting CrossFit with the Bear Crawl team has been one of the best decisions I took last year. I feel energized, I sleep better and after 2 months I am starting to see improvements in my strength and shape. The atmosphere at the box is amazing, the trainers are always ready to push me and celebrate together, give guidance on how to perform the movements correctly and the community is so fun to be with.

- Andra, age 42

I have never been too sporty and initially I was nervous to start CrossFit. But I really had no reason to be. The CrossFit team at Bear Crawl is always there to support, teach, celebrate and push me. After few months I feel and see the improvements already. I truly enjoy each practice, the community is fun, the music energizing. I’m enjoying the new me every day

- Andrei, age 46

I am a CrossFit practitioner since 4 years. I joined the box as a bodybuilder friend was posting some comparison between bodybuilders, powerlifters and crossfitters, and I really liked the tonicity and the power of crossfitters. Since then, I totally fell in love with the sport. First of all, the organization of a WOD is by far the most efficient way to develop strength, technique and cardio at the same time, without falling in usual gym traps of overloading, or skipping leg days! Coaching also prevents injuries and dangerous moves. The way of coaching and proposing various WODs also allowed me to finally get out of this 2h30 solo routine I had, where I mainly worked on the benchpress and the curl bench, as these were the moves I liked. Effort never made me afraid, but I was expecting a HIIT that would kill me. I was actually very surprised to discover that, if crossfit is intense, it can be scaled to adapt to all kind of athletes. Last, but not least: results! My performances skyrocketed over the first year to stabilize since, with a good progression margin still to achieve. My body adapted in a way I would never believe to be achievable, and I finally felt comfortable with it. As a practitioner of burhurt, a very demanding fighting sport, Crossfit clearly made me the top fighter of my team, competing easily with ex special french forces. On a daily basis, it allows me to steam off in only 1 hour of time, made me meet some good friends, matches with the complex diary of an employed father of 1, and gave me strength and confidence I never gained in 10 years of classic gym. Only dark point: it is quite addictive, and I really feel sad when I cannot go for some reason!

- Bertrand, age 32

Crossfit is a high-intensity, functional fitness program that has transformed the lives of countless individuals including me. I have been doing Crossfit for several years now here and there and now at Crossfit Bear Crawl. I can confidently say that it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Before starting Crossfit, I had been going to the gym regularly as well as practicing different sports but I was not seeing the results I wanted. I was stuck in a rut, doing the same exercises over and over again and not feeling challenged. I felt like I was not getting stronger or more fit. I knew I needed to change something, and that's when I discovered Crossfit. Crossfit is different from traditional gym workouts in that it is constantly varied and focuses on functional movements. This means that every day is different and you are always working different muscle groups and pushing yourself to new limits. The workouts are intense and challenging, but they are also incredibly rewarding and accessible to everyone. One of the things I love most about Crossfit is the community and Crossfit Bear Crawl isn't the exception. Everyone is supportive and encouraging, and you can feel the energy and camaraderie in the box. It is a place where people of all fitness levels can come together and push each other to be their best selves. Crossfit has also helped me to improve my overall fitness. I feel I am stronger, more flexible and have more endurance. I have also seen improvements in my overall health and well-being. I have more energy, sleep better and feel more confident. Crossfit is not just about working out, it's a lifestyle. The coaches and community I came across as well as the ones at Crossfit Bear Crawl will help you to understand the importance of nutrition and recovery, and how to make healthy choices in your everyday life. I would highly recommend Crossfit to anyone looking to take their fitness to the next level. It is challenging, but the rewards are worth it. It has changed my life for the better and I know it can do the same for you. Do not hesitate if you want to come and try it. New joiners are always welcome.

- Bertrand age 46

I had no clue that by sticking to the program there were multiple other benefits, other than just the classical weight loss. Not giving up, trusting the BearCrawl Team and persisting on showing up at the Box irreversibly changed my perception to sports & life in general. ALL aspects in my life changed for the better because for me, Crossfit trained my mind, ambition to achieve and then my body simply followed. Looking back at the past 3 years since I started Crossfit, key was bit of patience & self-belief - as for the rest...details to be picked up on the way to success!

- Catalin, age 41

CrossFit has changed my life in lots of ways that I never expected! On a physical level I am far more flexible, strong, confident, and coordinated than I ever thought I could be. My favorite thing about the wide range of CrossFit movements is that there is always something to improve on or try to better understand. My daily jobs are quite emotionally taxing, so CrossFit has become an *essential* part of my week to clear my head, leave everything else at the door and just work on myself. CrossFit Bear Crawl has by far the most diverse, welcoming, and encouraging community of people of any gym I've ever been to! I am so glad I decided to tag along for a trial with a friend all those years ago, I never looked back!

- Alison, age 27

The positive impact that CrossFit has had for me cannot be understated. Every workout presents a new opportunity to challenge myself and that at my own pace thanks to suitable options for every possible experience level. On top of that, the variety in the workouts simply makes it fun to show up on a consistent basis. In due time, the hard work pays off, seeing noticeable improvements in skill, strength, and general fitness, the benefits of which are obvious. Even more important, though, is the positive effect of CrossFit from a mental perspective. For one, always showing up and rising to the challenge builds resilience and gives me something to be proud of. The consistent practice of the sport is a perfect embodiment of ‘keeping going, no matter the challenge’. Naturally, there is a sizeable contribution to these positive feelings thanks to the improvements in physical health. And yet, what truly elevates CrossFit and adds so much to the psychological benefits is the community around the sport. Everyone supports each other – from the coaches to fellow athletes. No matter the day, everyone strives for continuous improvement and wishes the same for others. Coming to the box is not just sweating, it’s profusely sweating with friends.

- Tom, age 26

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